Hershey's Cacao Reserve

Hersheys has really changed from when I was kid where they offered plain and almond chocolate bars. They are now offering a new line of chocolate and hot chocolate drinks under Hershey's Cacao Reserve. This information from csnews.com
"Hershey's Cacao Reserve Hershey's unveiled a new line of premium all-natural chocolates and drinking cacao called Cacao Reserve. The chocolates come in single-serve and take-home bars in flavors Premium Milk, Premium Dark with Hazelnuts, Extra Dark, Extra Dark with Nibs. The Extra Dark with Nibs contains the heart of the cacao bean that adds a crunch and extra flavor to the chocolate. Drinking cacao, a type of hot chocolate, is also available in flavors Classic Mayan and Mildly Spiced Aztec. Hershey's real milk chocolate and natural cocoa is used in the drinks, providing natural flavanol antioxidants. In December, the line will expand further to include four more chocolate bars made from cacao beans of a single origin -- Java, Indonesia; Arriba; Santo Domingo; and Sao Tome -- to allow consumers to discover the different nuisances of cacao beans from various areas. Also during that expansion, milk and dark chocolate truffles will be introduced in the line in premium tins. Prices range from $0.99 for instant consumables to $3.29 for take home bars. Online advertising, sampling, consumer promotions and print advertising will follow the release focusing on "Exploring a New World of Chocolate."
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