Friday, October 30, 2009

french recipe

#frenchs 8 cp h20,1 pkg fro spnach, 8 tsp bouillon, ck 30min, mix egg and parm cheese, stir in soup should look eggdrop, french onion on top
TwitterMoms and French's 140-character Twitter Recipe Contest
Check out French's Cook-off 2009

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Kosherfest 2009 find

Slow Cooker Gourmet is a great product for busy people!

Ten delicious everyday dinner kits designed for busy homemakers who value quality, convenience, good health, and great taste!

•5-10 Minutes to Prepare a Fresh Dinner
•Salt Free, All Natural Spice Blends, No MSG
•Vegetarian Options on Six of the Ten
•Each Dinner Serves 6 to 7
•Wheat Free

Great for Shabbat lunches as well as dinner during the week

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Ferraro Rocher kosher under the OU

I was in Target and found kosher ferraro rocher chocolate. I tried the Ferrero Rondnoir. I bought a 12 pack and found it was so good that I ate 8 of 12 of them (but not in 1 sitting). It contains a pearl of dark chocolate in the center instead of a hazelnut, chocolate cream instead of Nutella and crunchy chocolate bits instead of crushed hazelnuts

Gatorade soon to be kosher certified by the OU

As reported by me at chowhound, Gatorade will be kosher certified by the OU shortly

Tootsie Roll Kosher!

As reported by me in chowhound, tootsie rolls will be certified kosher under the OU!