raises money for Sharsheret

Michelle Daman Wasserman z"l was a good friend of mine and was a big supporter of She tried this honey and thought it was so great, she ordered a case to give to friends and family for Rosh Hashanna.
Thanks to Branches honey for participating in this fundraiser.
We will donate all proceeds from the sale of this honey to Sharsheret in Michelle's memory.
Sharsheret is a national organization of cancer survivors dedicated to addressing the unique concerns of young Jewish women facing breast cancer. Sharsheret, Hebrew for "chain," was founded in 2001 by Rochelle Shoretz, a former Law Clerk to United States Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who recognized the need for a breast cancer organization that would provide culturally sensitive support for Jewish women after her own diagnosis at age 28.
Since the organization's founding, Sharsheret has responded to thousands of phone calls from health care professionals, Jewish organizations, women's organizations, women affected by breast cancer, their families, and friends. Sharsheret's efforts to support young women and educate health care professionals have been recognized with prestigious awards and significant media coverage. The organization has been featured in more than 75 publications and media outlets nationwide, including the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Self Magazine, and CBS News.
In September 2004 Oprah Magazine said “Fantastic honey is like a superb wine: sophisticated, complex, distinctive.”
Bees produce honey from the nectar of blooming plants, but the nectar produced by one flower will be different than that of another flower. Our mission is to seek out distinctive California flora which produce honeys that have the qualities in aroma, taste, texture and color reflective of their particular species of flower. All of our Branches honeys are gathered directly from the hives and bottled unpasturized, thus maintaining the multitude of health benefits associated with honey that are often lost in traditional commercial honey from overheating to eliminate crystallization.
Raspberry Flower-very limited! A unique honey gathered from hives of the coastal raspberry crop possessing mellifluous straw color and floral scented overtones, This is a rare instance where the honey tastes like the fruit of the plant with a distinctive fresh raspberry finish that is both pleasantly sweet and tart.
SERVING SUGGESTIONS: Wonderful used where the nuances of berry flavor will be most enhanced; stir into plain yogurt or cottage cheese, use to flavor berry tarts and pies, drizzle over freshly-made vanilla or cinnamon ice cream. Or simply enjoy by the spoonful!
Each jar is beautifully wrapped in pink paper. Makes a great gift!
Pareve (lactose free)
Certified kosher by Kehillah Kosher (The hashgacha is not on the jar;a copy of the certificate can be suppled on request.)
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